best lettuce

Which is the best lettuce in terms of providing health benefits?

What’ the very first thought that comes to our mind after hearing the word “lettuce”? Probably it would be its delicious fresh salad which goes well in sandwiches, vegetable wraps, soup and a lot more food items. Tell us if we are wrong  Variety makes this veggie easy to pair with nearly anything in your pantry. The added benefits of this vegetable go far beyond adding color to salads and sandwiches. What most people know extensively is its use in the kitchen but what most people don’t know is that they are available in range of varieties and some of its types are more beneficial to your health than other.

Here in this article, we will analyze the study conducted by Centers for Disease Control in which they examined different types of lettuce and listed the best lettuce variety in two kinds of terms: their ability to reduce the risk of chronic diseases and how many percent of nutrients is present on a 100-calorie lettuce serve.

So, let’s determine which lettuce types are best?

Below are listed the best varieties of lettuce that are beneficial to you and you should absolutely know about them.

  • Watercress

With 100 on 100 nutrition score, watercress tops the list of best lettuce types. Watercress is a flowery looking lettuce type. One of the most nutritionally dense leafy greens on the planet, watercress is frequently ignored. Despite its small size, it has a peppery, somewhat spicy flavor in its leaves and stems. There are not many calories in watercress, but it packs a lot of nutrition. Nutritional density is a measurement of the amount of nutrients in a food compared with its calorie content. Because of this, watercress has a high nutrient density. Each 100 grams of watercress contains four times as much beta carotene as an apple, as well as 238 percent of the daily value for vitamin K, which keeps skin supple. In addition to many important vitamins and minerals, watercress delivers more than 100% of what is required for vitamin K. Watercress lettuce has high content of a component that can be used to fight cancer. This component is phenylethyl isothiocyanate (PEITC). But One should think twice before cooking watercress as when exposed to heat, PEITC may get deactivated. So better try to eat watercress lettuce raw instead of cooking it. In addition, watercress is likely to have been the main source of nutrition for Roman soldiers.

  • Chinese cabbage

Nutrition score of Chinese cabbage is the highest after watercress. Its nutrition score is 91.99. Chinese cabbage is also famous by the name of celery cabbage or Napa. Celery-flavored, sweet, crunchy leaves in Chinese cabbage are among the region’s most beloved ingredients. This vegetable grows in cool climates and is an annual. Short and mild days are best for its growth. Green-leafy vegetables such as Napa cabbage are extremely low in calories. Approximately 16 calories are contained in 100 g of fresh leaves. Soluble and insoluble fibers are present in abundant amount in Chinese cabbage. According to scientific studies, these compounds may help prevent cancers of the breast, colon, and prostate and may reduce levels of “bad cholesterol,” ie LDL. Furthermore, Napa cabbage contains a lot of vitamin C. In 100 grams of fresh napa, you can get 45% of your daily requirements for vitamin C. It is important to consume vitamin C-rich foods regularly so that the body can be more resistant to infectious diseases

  • Chard

Nutrition score of Chard puts it in the third position of list. Its nutrition score is 89.27. It is commonly known as Swiss Chard. A highly nutritious vegetable, Swiss chard provides a number of nutrients. The amount of vitamin K found in one cup is three times the daily recommended intake. Leafy green Swiss chard belongs to the beet family. Researchers have found that the leafy greens in this group contain a number of phytonutrients that may protect against type 2 diabetes. In just one cup of chard, 44 percent of the recommended amount of vitamin A is present. This lettuce type contains a high content of anthocyanins and some studies shows that if good amount of anthocyanins are taken in intake diet, it can provide better regulation of blood. Thus it can reduce blood pressure. Chard can be eaten raw or can be cooked, it’s completely your choice.

  • Spinach

Nutrition score of Spinach is 86.43. The leafy green vegetable spinach was first cultivated in Persia. Similar to quinoa and beets, it belongs to the amaranth family. It’s also extremely healthy due to its high content of antioxidants and nutrients. Iron is present in large amounts in boiled spinach–more than a 6-ounce hamburger patty has! Thylakoids found in leaf membranes may also be powerful appetite suppressants. Spinach is a must if you are on a weight loss program. Yes, a study suggest that if taken in a drink before breakfast, thylakoids that are present in bunch amount in spinach can reduce your hunger by a whooping 95%. You cannot resist taking spinach drink now, right? 😉

The consumption of spinach may aid in the prevention of cancer, lower blood pressure, and promote eye health. It can be eaten raw or cooked, and can be bought canned or fresh. If served alone or with other dishes, it’s delicious.

  • Chicory

Nutrition score of Chicory is 73.36. Radicchio is the most well-known member of this bitter green family, the small, long, red or purple leaves that look like softballs. Chicory is also a member of bitter green family. In addition to serving as a source of powerful micronutrients, polyphenols play a role in preventing disease. And say what, chicory is rich in polyphenols! Study results suggest that polyphenol-consuming individuals have a 30 percent chance of surviving longer than those who consume less than that. You should think about adding chicory leaves to your leafy greens since they contain about 235 mg of vitamin C per cup.

  • Leaf lettuce

With a nutrition score of 70.73, leaf lettuce will turn out to be a blessing for you if you have turn up sleeves to lose a lot of weight. Yes, it’s a superfood for weight loss programs. In addition to it, The daily vitamin K requirement for strong, healthy bones is fulfilled by only two generous cups of lettuce. Aside from its crimson-red leaves, this lettuce type provides a wealth of nutrients that are essential to health. With loose leaves, these varieties have tender, delicate, flavorsome leaves.

  • Parsley

Nutrition score of parsley is 65.69. Though this leafy garnish does not qualify as lettuce, it is a quiet superfood. Despite its abundance of nutrients, even one sprig is enough to meet your daily requirements for vitamin K. It is also discovered in a research that chopped parsley’s flavor as well as aroma can control your appetite. By adding aromatic herbs, such as parsley, you create the perception of a rich dish without adding calories or fat to your meal.

  • Romaine lettuce

Nutrition score of romaine lettuce is 63.4. There are usually medium-green leaves on the exterior, while the foliage inside is greenish-white, sometimes tough on the outside, but tender on the inside with wonderful crunch and sweetness. Romaine is a familiar lettuce variety thanks to its role in Caesar salad. As well as being called “cos,” this long-leafed green salad has a delicate taste and slightly bitter flavour. Romaine cultivars, in general, are heat-resistant lettuce varieties. In spite of its low fiber content, it’s a good source of minerals, such as calcium, phosphorus, etc. Its sodium content is naturally low. The leafy green romaine lettuce is high in vitamin C, vitamin K, and folate as well. Its rich in beta carotene and the beta carotene in it converts to vitamin A during the enzymatic process in the body.

  • Collard greens

Nutrition score of Collard greens is 62.5. In the family of cruciferous vegetables, collard greens belong. The nutrients that collar greens contain can play a key role in a healthy diet. Vitamin A is abundant in collard greens. It’s Vitamin A that keeps the hair moisturized, since it contributes to the production of sebum. Green collards contain a lot of vitamin A, vitamin C, and calcium, as well as a lot of vitamin K

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